Howdy, I’m Robert Petrucelli, but you can call me Bob. I was born in a small town in Pennsylvania called Cambridge Springs. My family; mom Ellen, dad Robert and older sister Carole, moved to San Diego when I was five and have lived here ever since. What a perfect city to grow up in.
I was always a natural athlete. My mom was a tomboy, and my dad was a world class sprinter and pole vaulter. I spent most of my young life playing in the local canyons, or surfing at our beautiful beaches. Luckily we lived close to the Clairemont Boys Club, where I played sports and got some great coaching. I excelled at boxing, winning boys club golden gloves. I also played on the soccer team which won California state championships, where I won MVP. At Madison high school I lettered in all-around Gymnastics and Wrestling all three years. Loving the ocean I learned how to scuba dive. Through my best friend, I became a Commercial Diver. Over the course of 22 years, I spent 25,000 hours harvesting Abalone and Sea urchins. I dove the san diego coast, then the Santa Barbara channel islands and the Bodega Bay coast. What a fantastic adventure, Whoa!
After I retired it was a natural move to try Personal Training. I think there are only two things you can do in life, help yourself and help other people. I try to maintain that balance. I’ve always been curious, and read everything on the subject I could and still do. I found I really enjoyed helping others improve themselves.
My first job was at Jack Lalanne’s European Health Spa. I took a second job at Spa Del Mar and over four years I taught over five-hundred classes in weight training, yoga, and water aerobics. I moved to Point Loma and went to work for a new company called 24hour fitness where after 17 years I performed 30,000 one-on-one sessions as a master trainer and manager.
After 30 years as a Master Trainer I can say I’m having the best time of my life, working with good friends and a knowledgeable group. With the years of experience I have developed the saying; ALL AGES ALL SPORTS ALL GOALS.