Robert Petrucelli and I have been training together now for seven consecutive years. So when asked if I would write a letter on Bob’s behalf, I was delighted to do so and found myself overwhelmed with the many stories I could share. When I think about our “fitness training” over the years, it’s been nothing but exceptional, truly surpassing all of my expectations. I’m a better person – physically, mentally, and spiritually – with Bob in my life. And that’s what I’ll briefly write about, the work Bob has done for me, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
As a fitness trainer, Bob is first and foremost an educator. He’s an ongoing student in his own practice. I’m confident in Bob’s abilities. He knows his stuff. And of course, he often shares his knowledge with me. He relates information directly and honestly. He is clear on his holistic approach to fitness training. Also Bob is truly inventive and isn’t afraid to test out new things when we’re training. I love this. He works on the razor’s edge – it’s both exhilarating and effective. Bob and I have never repeated the same workout routine! Can you believe that? To tell you the truth, I often fine myself nervous right before a training session. I know there’s so much possibility. This has been a benefit as it pushes me to work even harder. And then there’s Bob, who tells me to “work harder” “go even further” and “focus”.
He has instilled the philosophy of fitness training as ritual within me. This ritual is a discipline.
Bob obviously has a strong sense of purpose to which he’s committed to. I’ve learned the importance of purpose from working with Bob, especially having purpose in the face of our fitness training and the mind body connection. Bob and I began training when I was 25 years old. At this time, I was working on my master’s degree. Bob knew I wanted our training to challenge me mentally too. I needed to know I could work in this way. Bob aided in this task tremendously. Many years later, Bob is still working with me as I complete yet another degree, my doctoral degree. I’m in the “home stretch” as Bob says. It’s no surprise that our workouts have become even more intense. Furthermore, Bob’s influence has helped me to overcome a great deal of adversity when it came to my academic studies. There were many times I wanted to end it and simply give up. Bob wouldn’t allow that though. His faith in my abilities were ever present and foe his faith, I’m eternally grateful.
And speaking of faith and eternity, my time with Bob is sacred. My strength of spirit is alive and felt when I’m at the gym. I hope this makes sense to you. It’s as if I’m home, I’m not supposed to be anyplace else. To me, the gym space is precious, and my time spent with Bob, a privilege. I look forward to seven more years of training with Bob!
ALANA NICASTRO PhD (PhD of the year award University of San Diego)